Payfura APIs
Payfura is a fiat<>crypto on/off ramp payment gateway. Our robust API solution provides seamless integration to interact with the platform
APIs Sandbox URL
APIs Production URL
Please send you API secret as Bearer token in the Authorization header in all the following APIs. Some GET APIs may work without the header, but it is highly recommended that you send this
Following APIs are provided:
List of Fiat Currencies
GET /v2/partner/fiat_currencies
List of Crypto Currencies
GET /v1/partner/crypto_currencies
Pricing & Fees V1
POST /v1/partner/pricing
Pricing & Fees V2
POST /v2/partner/pricing
Create Order
POST /v1/partner/order
Get Order
GET /v1/partner/order?orderId=ORDER_ID
Create User
POST /v1/partner/user
Get User
GET /v1/partner/user/USER_ID
Update User
PUT /v1/partner/user
Get Order History
GET /v1/partner/order_history